This is our final draft of our thriller the next exported sequence will be the complete full final thriller. For this draft we have added in a distribution company of our choice. We have also made and added in our own production company to the beginning of the thriller. Another addition we have made is that we have added in a piece of film that included the location and date of the film. By doing this the film makes more narrative sense and a scene is automatically set. We felt that it was a very conventional way to introduce the film.

However, even with all of these added adjustments we still have a few more things that we would like to improve on. For example, the creaking of the door is far too loud and it takes away from the scene. Another thing that we would like to correct for our final thriller is leaving a longer gap for ‘ A Film By Ewan Champion-Smith’ at the end as we feel that it appears too soon and is far more dramatic with a longer pause.