

Kingsman: The Secret Service is a thriller movie about a group of men who save the world under the radar. However, one of the Kingsman died and because of this a process to choose a new Kingsman goes under way.

Firstly, there are a lot of fight scenes. The first scene of the whole movie is a fight scene. This allows the audience to differentiate between the protagonists and the antagonists. It sets he scene for the whole movie.

Secondly, there are a lot of slow motion movement in fight scenes. This allows the audience to see the full impact of a hit/punch.

Furthermore, thriller movies such as Kingsman contain silent scenes. These are to build up suspense for usually something such as a fight scene. The silence in essence is the calm before the storm.

Moreover, Kinsman: The Secret Service also contains a lot of scenes that contain no natural light. This is to emphasis to the audience that there is a secretive nature to what is happening so it has to be hidden from the rest of the world.

Additionally, the editing of the scenes becomes a lot faster at points. The cuts between different camera angles become more rapid. This is to show that the pace of the movie is piking up. It makes the movie become a lot more dramatic.

Lastly, the film contains dramatic music which is a conventional for a thriller, this helps to build suspense throughout the film.