For our draft one we edited using Adobe Premiere Pro, although not too many advanced techniques were used as of yet. The majority of the whole process revolved around the use of the razor tool, which allowed us to cut down each piece of footage the exact desired length.  The only thing that we have in our timeline for the film so far it the footage that we have shot and now ordered and edited to make narrative sense. Since we are still in the early days of editing we have not yet added any titles or sounds to the sequence.

screenshot full of draft 1screenshot of razor tool

We also started to make use of another Adobe program which was Adobe After Effects. In this program we took parts of our footage that we wanted to look like CCTV footage. We layered numerous effects such as a transparent layer with a fractal noise effect and motion tiles which is what caused the white lines across the screen to move. Once we had layered all of the effects to get our desired look we added in a title box so that we could name the camera’s such as ‘cam 1’ or ‘cam 2’. The final feature we added in to complete our realistic CCTV footage was to add a timecode which we put in the top left hand corner.

CCTV full screenshotscreen shot of tools CCTV