Final pitch to teacher

Final pitch to teacher


  • We are portraying the songs name “washing machine heart” in our song by having our end killing scene using the washing machine to cover up all the mess and blood caused.
  • Using the lyrics in the song “not wearing my usual lipstick” and then showing in our music video the man coming home from a night out with a different persons lipstick on the collar of his shirt then the lipstick his girlfriend normally wears.
  • The main singer in our song is also the main character in our narrative sequence which lets the audience know she is the main star and the focus of the music video



  • In our initial idea we had to much detail in our narrative so when filming we will need to prioritise the key points within our narrative and leave out extra little details we wanted to add.
  • We need to make sure our actors portray the message we want them to by looking into detail with their outfits and body language
  • Making sure we incorporate different angles in our narrative sequence to focus in on details within it to show the main key points for example close up of the murder weapon to indicate the significant of it.

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