Previous student work

Previous Student Work 


  • Throughout this specific music video the variety of angles, camera shots and framing captures each moment perfectly. Specifically close ups on the lead singer really draws the audience in to listen to what he is saying and the meaning behind the facial expressions gets portrayed clearly with the close ups. An example of a low angle shot (at 0:46) allows the audience to get a full wide looking shot of the people dancing and expressing their emotions through movement and the rhythm of the song.
  • The camera always being set a certain angle whilst shooting a specific part for example at (0:12) when they did an extreme close up onto the drum they stayed at the certain angle, which follows through throughout the whole camera shooting, having this being done it allows the audience to be able to focus on one specific angle without the camera being moved around


  • Frames within a frame
  • Cutting frames from one to another
  • The editing at (2:35) with the castle in the background can be seen clearly by the way they edited that specific person at the time to be almost transparent with only his head being clearly visible as well as the illusion in the background of another person going through that transparent person doing completely different movements whilst the camera is still being shot at the exact same angle



  • Costumes representing tribal culture giving a deeper meaning throughout the song representing the tribe
  • The specific body image look they went for e.g. marks on the chest, laid back scruffy hair, facial markings showing the specific details they tried to achieve
  • Accessories around the neck signifying the importance throughout tribal culture
  • The cave man look was achieved throughout the narrative implied but props and setting going with the stereotypical theme of a caveman, the dark caves, writing on the walls and singing around the fire.

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