Shoot 1 reflection (performance)

Shoot 1 reflection (performance)




In our first shoot we shot our performance sector of our music video. We shot this with our model Orlagh in the black studio at school. In this shoot we focused in our models star image, we wanted to convey her as an, emotionless, strong and independent women. Throughout our shoot we had our model lip sync the whole song multiple times through. Each time we asked here to convey a different emotion and movements that would go alongside our narrative sequence. To gain the specific camera shots we wanted we used a tripod and school equipment lights to achieve the perfect shot which left us with the exact lighting we wanted to make the model the main focus with no other distractions around. To make our model feel comfortable we made sure that everyone was getting involved by singing or dancing behind the camera so she could put on her best performance without feeling pressured.

What Went Well:

  • When selecting our model we wanted someone who would be easily co operative and that would be able to achieve the star image look we wanted. The model we chose allowed us to add whatever we wanted to her face and was happy for us to chose the clothes we wanted her to wear. Having the model be so co operative it allowed the shoot to go smoothly.
  • Making a meeting agenda prior to the shoot this allowed myself and my group as well as the model to feel prepared before the shoot. This made us know exactly what we needed to bring and allowed the model to know the look she had to achieve.
  • During our shoot we ensured we did a variety of different camera shots to to capture the perfect look. We chose between, mid shots, close ups, long shots and several more. Using several different shots allowed the camera to tell a story focusing on different emotions.
  •  During our performance shoot it was important to portray the star in our music video to fit her character. We thought about the different makeup we could use and the clothing that would fit the theme. We decided to go with a light makeup look but for it to get progressively worse throughout the video. We added darker eyeshadow and messy lipstick as well as fake blood to herself.


What didn’t: 

  • One of our downfalls in our performance slot was our lighting. The lighting specifically when we filmed outside was hard to get. Although it was daylight there was a lot of background distraction and we wanted the main light and focus to be on our star image. We tried our best to focus the light onto our star but it wasn’t easy which has left us to edit some of the lighting in our post production stage.
  • If we got to do it again a key point for my group would be to have better preparation in time for finding models. We struggled picking the right person to fulfill our star image, this left us having to choose between quite a few people which made it hard for us to prepare them for a possible shoot. We ended up choosing orlagh and she fitted our star image perfectly.
  • When shooting our outside performance videos we had technical problems with the camera as well as the batteries running up. This falls back into pre preparation as well making sure all of our equipment worked properly as this took up precious filming time.

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