Digipack Final Draft

Digipack Final Draft

Below is my group’s final digipack draft

Click on it to make it bigger


Here is our final digipack that my group has created. Throughout our final digipack we have recognised the key conventions within the alternative indie genre and relayed them into our final draft, we aimed to achieve a digipack that fits within our audiences demographics and we feel we have accomplished that by creating the different panels in ways that our audience would find appealing. Throughout the digipack we have worked on the color scheme and fonts changing them within each draft to hopefully find the best fitting colors and fonts that complement the indie genre. With the use of photoshop on the front panel it created a unique look with the idea of there being an image behind the front one giving it some kind of edgy/quirky look which makes it stand out from other digipacks and fits within the indie genre.

Looking back we are pleased with the way our digipack has turned out and the fact that our social media page and music video are all nicely coming together to create that perfect alternative indie package brand, promoting the star image and genre.

Digipack Draft 3

Digipack Draft 3



Following on from draft 2 we have made many adjustments to all of our panels. For example on our front cover of our digipack we have altered and added in more details to convey with the normal conventions of an alternative indie digipack. We have looked into different font types and what we think would work best with our front cover. We decided to do a simplistic font for the album name and a more angelic font for our star images name at the bottom. We are not 100% on these fonts to be our final ones but we like the way that it is going. We also added in on the back panel the normal conventions of a digipack being the barcode, the copyright information and down the spine we added the albums name and our star image.

Targets for improvement:

  • Going into draft 4 we feel we have a strong draft 3 that we can work off of, one of the main things we would like to work on is the first inside panel with the stars symmetry, we wanted to follow on with the symmetry from the front panel and we feel we have accomplished that well. However at the moment just the simplicity of it being black and white we feel we need to add in more detail, for example maybe some alternative looking shapes or some lyrics that feature in some of our tracks on the album.
  • Another improvement I feel needs to be made is on the back panel on our tracklist we need to add maybe a couple more songs to make the two lists look even to fill the space below it. We either add more track songs or maybe incorporate some pictures of our star or maybe a quote she says just to make it look more enticing for our target audience.
  • Another target to maybe consider going into draft 4 is on the third panel with the bloody fingerprint we have the lyrics “why not me” and although i like the positioning of them maybe we could consider adding more lyrics around the fingerprint from more of that specific song “washing machine heart”.


Focus forward:

Going forward into draft 4 we now have a set goal of what we want to achieve in preparation for our final draft. Having specific targets we want to achieve and improvements we want to make allows us to waste no time in getting straight to it.

Digipack mockup

Dijipack mockup



Front cover – 

For our front cover we have created a possible design we want to go along with for our front cover. We looked into many inspirational designs of other digipack’s but ended up coming up with this idea that we thought would work with our alternative indie genre. Our idea was to have our star image looking into a mirror and the camera picking up the stars reflection. We thought this would be a good idea because in our music video our star is portrayed as a psycho girlfriend who kills her cheating boyfriend but in the reflection of the mirror she has angel wings and is portrayed as an innocent angelic women. Also on the mirror we wanted to incorporate fake blood dripping off of the sides as the main point in our music video is the killing scene where lots of blood is involved so we wanted to make that a statement on the front of our digipack as well. This shot of the mirror will most likely be a close up/mid shot to best allow the audience to see the raw emotion on her face.

Back cover – 

The back cover was an opportunity to represent the indie genre by dressing our star image in alternative clothes and making that the centrepiece of the look. We created a lookbook looking at different styles within the indie genre and the kind of color palettes that are frequently used when creating a design for a digipack.  We looked into our artists work mitski and took a lot of inspiration from that when creating this design. We do not want out star image just stood there so we are thinking of incorporating a prop to make the look complete. On top of the image is where we will have all of our song names of the songs that are included in this album and will chose a color that will complement the background image so that it all works well together.

Evaluation of shoot

Evaluation of shoot



Going into this shoot we were well aware of the final pictures we wanted to get for our digipack. We looked heavily into other digipack’s from well know artists even some from our own artist “Mitski” to get inspiration. From having our front cover shoot done we wanted to follow on with some symmetry in the back cover. We did a picture of our model on a stool to then edit a similar image the other side to make it look like they were back to back. For our first inside panel we decided to do a blood like fingerprint to inforce anger, rage and mystery with the words “why not me” around the thumb to symbolise the thoughts in our star images head when she finds out that her boyfriend was having an affair.  For our back cover we chose to shoot a tv which would later on have all the songs inside of the album on it. We thought this was a cool idea for our backcover because we hadn’t seen anything else like that before.

Digipack Draft 2

Digipack Draft 2



Now in Draft 2 we have successfully added an image to each of the panels, although we have done minimal changes to the front cover we feel as if we are going in the right direction and that our digipack is coming along as we have planned. We have done 2 shoots since our first draft gathering images for the inner panels and back cover which has helped us come along with editing and designing.

Targets for improvement: 

  • Add more in depth details on the front panel, at the moment it isn’t standing out from other digipacks we have seen. We want to change the fonts and color of the writing
  • On the first inside panel we need to add our track names into the tv and attempt to make the tv less blurry so the track names don’t get hidden within it
  • On the front panel we attempted to put boarders around the sides of our star image. Now looking at it once exported if we are going to do them along the top and bottom we need to do the sides as well
  • We also need to go back into photoshop to enhance some of the colors throughout all the panels to make them bolder and brighter


Focus Forward:

Going forward we feel we need to do most work on the front and back panel and follow the key conventions of a regular digipack, for exmaple down the spine of the CD we need to add in the album name and our star images name.

Digipack Draft 1

Digipack Draft 1



Here is our first draft of our digipack we designed in adobe InDesign. This is only our first draft so we are well aware of the work we need to put in and the improvements we must make moving forward. Following through with our mockup design we decided to incorporate the mirror idea for our front panel. We all agreed on this being a good idea for our front panel as we had a story to tell behind the meaning of her looking at herself in the reflection of the mirror. After looking into multiple digipacks produced by well known artists we had gathered the key looking conventions of popular digipacks. Going forward we have created a list of key targets we wanted to achieve in preparation of draft 2…

Targets for improvement:

  • Going forward we want to add more to the front panel, adding more effects onto it so it stands out. We want the font to be one of the first things you notice so going forward we will carefully pick a font that’ll fit with the look of our digipack.
  • Carefully pick out an album cover name to attract our target audience. We want an album cover name that will entice people in to want to listen to the album.
  • We need to carry out more shoots to get pictures for our inside panels and back panel. We want the panels to look like they flow throughout the digipack with a common theme on each panel. For example similar/same fonts throughout the digipack
  • Use colours throughout the digipack that follow the conventions of the alternative indie genre


Focusing forward our main priority is to get our back panel done and to add the main conventions of a digipack into ours.

Contact sheet and favorite images

Contact sheet and favorite images…

Contact sheet:

Favorite images:

One reason I like this particular image for our digipack cover is the reflection from the mirror onto the camera with our model putting our lipstick on, I like how you can see both the mirror reflection as well as our model looking into the mirror. It also looks good how our model is looking directly into the camera.
Although this is similar to the one above I like how our model is looking directly into the mirror giving off a sinister strong independent look. The delicacy of the wings matching with the white shirt and with a bright red lip contrast nicely. 
I like the difference of this from our other pictures we took. In this one there is no shadow of her looking in and is just our model looking at herself in the mirror . Her stance with her shoulders back shows she’s strong and knows what she wants.

PMA and Risk Assessment for DP shoot

PMA and Risk Assessment for DP shoot

Risk Assessment:



By doing a risk assessment it allowed the safety of our models and the safety of the people carrying out the shoot.  Doing this allowed us to acknowledge possible risk factors when shooting but thankfully there were none.

Production meeting agenda:


By producing a production meeting agenda it allowed us to organize our time effectively ensuring we wouldn’t lose any valuable time when shooting. It made us figure out what we need to bring to the shoot, what we wanted our model to wear and the equipment needed to make everything perfect.

Audience interaction with a social media page

Audience interaction with a social media page



In preparation of making our groups social media page for our star image we looked into other famous artists social media pages to gain insight into how they allow their audience to interact with them. We looked at Billie Eilish who is an indie pop singer songwriter which we thought would benefit us as our music genre is also alternative/pop indie music. Looking at her social media page we looked out for the general conventions of a social media page that go through many singer/songwriters feed. For example one of the key conventions often used is a link to either there music or a merch line which there audience can interact with.

Focusing forward when creating our own social media page we have now allowed ourselves to know the conventions of it and what would attract our target audience.

The Look Book – The package

The Look Book – The package


Made with Padlet



We were assigned to create a look book for the design of our digipacks. We gathered different alternative indie dipack covers that we liked the look of and that we thought we could incorporate details from each of them when creating ours. We looked into the key conventions of the genre and a lot of the time each digipack have vibrant colors and often have the star image on the front which becomes the key focus point of the digipack. Creating this look book has helped us gain understanding of what we want to include when making our own digipack to make it stand out from others.