Narrative Sequence

Narrative Sequence Cup Of Tea



Story Board – Before creating our video we created a story board consisting of all the different shots and angles we wanted to include when filming our narrative sequence. Doing this allowed us to remember every every angle needed for each scene to make our sequence come together. When creating a short sequence it is important to use a wide range of different shots to allow the sequence to flow.

Tripod –  Using a tripod when producing our short sequence allowed us to get steady focused shot. Having the tripod to place the camera on allowed us to frame the right positioning and angle within the camera.

Adobe Premiere –  After going over all our shots we had created we launched the app adobe premiere to put the short mini videos into a 30 second sequence. Having used this app and learning the basics prior to putting our videos in it allowed my group to accomplish a clean flowing sequence whilst using the editing techniques along the way.

Overall doing this mini narrative sequence allowed me to gain better insight when using a tripod and camera and using adobe premiere to edit my footage and to produce a small narrative sequence. Having this knowledge will help me along the way heading towards making my music video.


Star image – Theirs and Mine

Star image – Theirs and mine


I chose to research Lana Del Rey , I looked at several different news articles and headlines written about Lana Del Rey to get a better understanding on what I can write about my star image and how to make it more interesting for my audience. I also had a look at different magazines that Lana Del Rey had been featured in and the different conventions the magazine used to make it stand out. I found that Lana Del Rey  gets presented as a down to earth, empathetic and creative person which all the headlines and articles suggest. When Lana Del Rey gets featured in magazines it is often that they write an article regarding her personal life and what the latest updates on her are so that their audience stay engaged.

I then planned out exactly how I wanted my star image to look including their hair, makeup and clothing and all the other small details that will bring the whole look together. I then added aspects of Mise-en-scene in order to really make sure my star image fits the profile of Indie Pop. I also thought about the different connotations of my star image and how I want certain Colours to represent a certain mood and feeling. I was also looking at the different lightings and body poses and how that will bring together my final star image.