Above, are my contact sheets from my location shoot in town. My images were taken in an old Guernsey town house, previously owned by a merchant. This worked well with my theme as this building is very grand and reflects wealth, which is very much the vibe that I wanted to achieve with rap. The costume and surroundings worked well with my genre, however, next shoot I need to work on the focus of my camera, because as you can see, many images are slightly out of focus.

These are my top two images from the shoot, as I think they represent my genre well, my models facial expression suggests how she is showing off her wealth, and the dress she is wearing also expresses this, as she is not in casual clothes (even though she is in ‘her’ house). In the top photo, the white is very bright and in your face, the model is also looking down onto the camera, telling the audience of the riches she has. This is very much like the rap woman, Cardi B and Doja Cat.

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