I Am A Media Prosumer

Media is consumed by everyone and sometimes it is even consumed without you knowing. Media is consumed by people in different ways, with the main 4 being: Information, Entertainment, Social Interaction and Personal Identity.

Informative media is the type of media that gives consumers news and information in the form of newspapers or radio for example. Informative media is highly consumed by an older demographic.

Entertaining media has the purpose of entertaining an audience and is used for leisure or fun and is mainly in the form of television but radio can serve entertainment purposes aswell. Entertaining media doesn’t have a demographic as any ages will need entertainment at some point.

Personal identity in media refers to media that is consumed that the audience finds similarities to their life or their identity. For example, a footballer might watch football in their spare time or a police man might read a crime novel. This type of media would mostly come in the form of books, television and podcasts.

Social interaction is media where consumers can interact with other consumers and this is where the name social media comes from. Social media is used by most ages with the exception of the older generation in some cases. Some examples of social media are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat.

All media you consume has a different purpose to a consumer. For informative reasons, for entertainment purposes, personal identity reasons and finally social interaction purposes.  When it comes to designing my magazine then I will ensure that I can include each of these categories so I will attract the biggest audience possible in order to create the biggest revenue for myself.

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