My Image That Uses Mise En Scene To Communicate Meaning

In groups we were allocated a different genre of music each and my group was allocated PSYCHEDELIC ROCK. 

We were able to use the denotations of the colours, costumes, style, body language and facial expressions and we deconstructed them and how the genre was conveyed to create a mood board. We were able to decode that the genre was heavily associated with the hippie (hipster) movement, peace and loving, acid/LSD and it was very dream like and trippy. Artists associated with psychedelic rock were artists like the Rolling Stones, the Beatles and Tame Impala. I was able to make out all of this just from the denotations on this genre so I will make sure to include as many of these denotations in my own tour poster to convey the genre sufficiently for the audience.

We used the knowledge we had gained through the mood board we created to make a tour poster for our chosen genre. We dressed up one of us a model to appear on the front of the poster, which was me. Then I sat in front of the audience and they wrote down what emotions and moods I was conveying.



This was the photo of me with the post it notes that people had used to label me and how they thought i had conveyed the genre through my Mise En Scene. The post it’s aren’t particularly clear in the image but the post it notes said adjectives such as ‘out of this world’, ‘cocky’, ‘cool’, ‘druggy’ and ‘psychedelic’. I was pleased with the results because through the costume and facial expressions I was able to correctly portray my character to an audience and I can take this experience and use it in my tour poster.







This is all of the drafts that we had when we were taking photos. We tried various poses and expressions to try and give us the best possible options for when we chose our favourite one which will feature on my tour poster.












Out of all of the photos, I think that this one is the best one for the tour poster. The body language is faced away from the camera as well as looking away from the camera. This portrays the arrogant/cocky  and self absorbed side of a psychedelic rock star and you can’t see my eyes through my glasses which represents the mysterious and dreamy theme in psychedelic rock where everything is like a dream and you can’t describe it. This will be evident for the audience when it comes to designing my tour poster as the use of MISE EN SCENE is crucial to truly convey the ideas of psychedelic rock


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