Second shoot contact sheets

For my location shoot yesterday I went to Castle Cornet with my model to take photos for my magazine. I wanted to capture the jazz genre and I chose this model because I feel that he showed resemblance to a musician and I requested that he comes in a tuxedo and then I slicked back his hair with gel and provided him with a trumpet and a retro microphone as they both helped to convey my genre. I also provided him with a small jeweled ring because the small details are important to me and I also supplied him with a pair of socks with colourful cherries on as I would classify them as jazzy. I used close ups, high and low angles, midshots and rule of three’s to give myself a wide range of options when it comes to choosing my favourite shots for my magazine. I was very fortunate to be able to shoot on a day where the sun was very bright as it created a very adequate lighting for my shots. If I could redo the shoot then I would make sure I took more photos with the right exposure and focus as I have too many that could have been excellent however they were ruined by terrible exposure and being out of focus.

I am a big fan of the lighting in this as it is very similar to that of a jazz club and it is very lowkey to show the relaxed mood associated with jazz and in the background it is like they are curtains to a dressing room and my model has just come out to perform. I wish I could have shown more of the frame as there was some barriers that looked very professional.


I used a low shot for this photo and it looks like a professional photo of a jazz musician entering a venue or leaving a show and I feel that this photo would be very effective to accompany an article and there is lots of space in the sky to put text to go around the model. The road that the model is on has been shot to look like the road to glory or fame and that is emphasised by using rule of three’s and putting him in the centre of the shot to show his importance and popularity.


I was very passionate about this shot because it would make a great double page spread as the artist is to one side of the photo and there is plenty of room to place the text and it also promotes the chilled out side of the jazz genre to appeal to jazz fans. I really like this photo because it looks like an album cover and I was very lucky with the lighting.

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