Chosen advert



















Even though I won’t be marked on it, I decided to select some adverts to go in my magazine as I recognised that they are a conventional feature of a magazine. I have chosen this advert for my magazine because Frank Sinatra is heavily associated with the jazz genre and the readers of my magazine are at an age and have interests which will allow them to recognise him. I also believe that my target audience are of an age and demographic that they will drink whiskey and own lots of whiskey and by combining the two I can attract their audience and potentially attract them enough to buy some of the whiskey upon reading my magazine.


I chose this tour poster as another advert to be featured in my magazine because it promotes a jazz festival. This poster is very relevant to my magazine as it is for a jazz festival and this will succeed in attracting my audience and making sales for the company running the festival. I also chose it because I feel like the poster fits the cartoon jazz aesthetic which will appeal to the jazz enthusiasts who will be reading the magazine.

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