Final Pitch

This is our finalised pitch that we presented to our teacher, in which we detail the narrative of our video, th theme of our video and the Mise En Scene that we will use to portray the themes and issues. Our narrative is amplified to the lyrics, which means that it has relevance to what the song is detailing in the lyrics.

After our presentation we were able to identify 6 strengths and 6 targets to work on:


  • Had good ideas for location
  • Narrative is simple and possible
  • Good ideas for costume
  • Good song choice
  • Lyrics fit with the narrative
  • Ideas for acting work well with the narrative


  • Props were too basic and mainstream
  • Primary location requires more planning and attention
  • Need to identify actors for the video
  • We need to put more thought into the performance aspect of the video
  • Narrative could do with tweaking to involve more locations and shots

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