Previous Students Work – Self Assessment

This is the previous students music video that we were assigned to. We will be analysing this video and comparing it to our own draft to see where we can improve from.


  • Shots are steady and not shaky with deliberate camera movement to communicate meaning.
  • Shots are in focus and the singer is well placed in the middle of the shots to make them visually pleasing.
  • The effective filming made it easy for editing
  • Effective variety of shots used to make the video exciting.
  • Good range of Mise En Scene with costume, settings and make up to convey themes and issues.
  • Lip syncing was in time.


  • Lip syncing was slightly over the top and unrealistic.
  • Video effects were not very present, they aren’t necessary though.
  • Editing doesn’t do much in terms of conveying narrative
  • Shot transitions aren’t particularly present


Using this video, we have identified targets for our music video.


  • Some performance clips need to be filmed again using a tripod to keep them still and higher quality.
  • Could try and include transitions.
  • Our narrative jumps a step sometimes so we need to shoot clips to link the narrative

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