Digipak Conventions Analysis

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To help us in creating our own digipak, we analysed an album cover for it’s formal and technical conventions. If I am able to identify these on any album cover then I will be able to include them in a professional manner when I come to doing it myself. On this Oasis album cover, the whole band is included as well as a range of props. There is a clear focus on Mise En Scene (Settings, props, costumes) to communicate meaning and convey the star image of the band. Having the whole band on the cover infers the idea that they are close to each other and all think of each other as important and this is a desirable image for fans to see. The font is in Arial and is very simple and which shows that they aren’t trying too hard which suggests that they are down to earth and ordinary. I now believe that I am able to use these conventions and use Mise En Scene to convey my star image.

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