DP Mockup

This is the mockup for our Digipak that my group came up with after researching album covers and bands/artists from our genre (indie rock). We focused on these so we can portray our star in a way that is able to be identified as indie rock, while having a unique selling point to make it stand out amongst several other album covers.

For our own album cover, we decided that we wanted to have the name of our star in newspaper cut out letters as our genre typically has a cartoon and illustrated theme amongst album covers and this would be a creative font to include. Our star will be portrayed as cheerful as he will be smiling and happy while lying in a field. A wide range of the album covers that we analysed had a naturalistic theme within and we wanted to include this as it is simple to create and effective.

The back panel will include a picture of a sunny horizon from a field, with the song list in the sky or in the grass. We felt that a simplistic background would be effective as showing an endless horizon is dream like and many album covers have a dream like idea and we wanted to include a range of different themes and ideas in an artistic way without them clashing to attract an audience with their preferred reading.

Our star will be wearing a button up shirt over a white shirt, this was one of the most popular choices of clothing we found amongst indie rock artists and we may wear a floral/graphic button up shirt which will stop the star from looking too ordinary and boring and make him look extraordinary.

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