Music Video Draft 1 – Rough Cut

Above is my groups first draft of our music video. It is entirely made of performance clips which we thought were suitable to use. There are large gaps in the video and that is where there is no lyrics and we planned to add narrative. Some of the clips in this draft will seem too long and we will address that when we have more clips but this was in order for us to have 1 minute of lip synced audio, and once we have done our narrative shoot then we will make sure to not have clips being too long. I am quite happy with the video so far. I like how the clips are shot as they are conventional in comparison to popular music videos that are created for famous artists. We didn’t add many effects, the only significant one is where the video slowly zooms in for one clip and we thought this fit quite nicely with the tempo of the song and we can fade it into a narrative clip afterwards. I am also happy with the MES in the video. The shirt is shiny and leopard print which portrays the star as fun and open and he wears sunglasses to portray him as ordinary and accessible to the audience (Richard Dyer – Paradox of the star).

However, the first clip that we used is a very good one except it is slightly shaky and that partly ruins the clip as it make it look unprofessional and you can’t see what our star is saying.


  • Cut length of some clips and replace with narrative
  • May have to replace first clip as it is shaky
  • Experiment with transitions or edits to spice up the video
  • More editing to the beat
  • Shorter cuts to make more energetic
  • More close ups

Shoot 1 Reflection (Performance)

For our performance shoot, we headed down to Trinity square and filmed in an alleyway around there to capture some long walking shots. After that he headed up to a natural path that overlooks Trinity square to film in a different setting. We wanted to get a range of shots in different locations in order to have a wide range of options when it came to editing our video. I feel that the shots that we got were very well done and they were the perfect quality to include in our music video. Since we were able to shoot clips with a range of lighting, setting, movement and camera angles, this will allow us to pick and choose different parts of clips and include lots of variety in the music video instead of just using the same clip as that would be plain and quite boring.


  • The majority of the clips we filmed were in a high quality and were useable
  • We filmed clips in different settings and lightings to give us more choice.
  • We filmed clips with different movement and camera angles to give us variety.
  • Star image was conveyed well through the use of costume and setting.


  • Lip syncing could have been a bit clearer.
  • Ran out of time to get more shots.
  • Clips were of a good quality, however we may have wanted more shots.


I believe that our performance shoot was successful and that we don’t need to go out and film any more shots because there are several areas in the song where there is music and no lyrics so we can fill those will narrative clips. On top of this, I feel that our star image was executed well and that the audience will be able to recognise the star as ordinary yet extraordinary.

Star Image – The Performer

Click the image to view the pdf.

How do you want them to be represented (angry, rebellious, mellow, empathetic, angry)?

After analysing the way that Foals meta-narrative is represented in the media, they like to come across as cheeky, humble, fun, ordinary, friendly, expressive and kind. This may not fit in with the early narrative in the song. However in the performance, we will represent our star as fun, friendly, ordinary yet extraordinary. We will represent our star in this way asĀ  it links to Richard Dyer’s theory of the ‘paradox of the star’.

How will you achieve this (visual design, body language, gestures, facial expressions, colours, costumes, props, make up?)

We will be dressing up our star in some colourful clothes to portray the fun side of the star and he will have a positive aura around them to show them as fun and friendly. A positive aura can be achieved by good facial expressions (smiling), acting (slowly dancing and flowing with the music, not stiff) and the setting will be at the beach with sunny weather to create a happy and positive atmosphere.

Visual Shot List

Made with Padlet

For this task, we used padlet to identify and describe a different repetoire of elements used in the cinematography for our test shoot and our music video. We used mostly examples from music videos as they were what we were looking to recreate with our own version for our genre. These shots also outlines editing techniques and Mise En Scene in the clips which will help us out in our production. This range of elements and conventions will be useful in helping us to see what makes a music video successful.

Final Pitch

This is our finalised pitch that we presented to our teacher, in which we detail the narrative of our video, th theme of our video and the Mise En Scene that we will use to portray the themes and issues. Our narrative is amplified to the lyrics, which means that it has relevance to what the song is detailing in the lyrics.

After our presentation we were able to identify 6 strengths and 6 targets to work on:


  • Had good ideas for location
  • Narrative is simple and possible
  • Good ideas for costume
  • Good song choice
  • Lyrics fit with the narrative
  • Ideas for acting work well with the narrative


  • Props were too basic and mainstream
  • Primary location requires more planning and attention
  • Need to identify actors for the video
  • We need to put more thought into the performance aspect of the video
  • Narrative could do with tweaking to involve more locations and shots

Perfect Production Group

Here is the document which my group signed in which we have listed our strengths and weaknesses individually and we agreed all of the ways in which we would collaborate well together and how we would resolve problems. This document has aided us in the planning of our project an how we will need to ensure that we have good communication, organisation and commitment to allow us to get the best possible grade at the end of the project.