I am a Media Prosumer

These are some examples of the media I consume daily. This includes music, television, online shopping, news, and books. These types of media offer entertainment, personal identity, information, and social interaction. Reading/listening to these things makes me a ‘consumer’ of media, whereas interacting or making my own media makes me a ‘prosumer’. I would call myself a consumer. I like having a wide range of media as it is very varied and inspires my style. Having this knowledge is very helpful as when it comes to producing my own magazine I will know what media is best to include and how it caters to my audience. I can also inspire the style of my magazine from others I aesthetically enjoy.

Having knowledge of what goes into media gives me a greater understanding of how I can use it to my advantage when producing my own. I will be able to choose relevant aspects that engage the reader and keep them interested such as informational and entertaining media. I now understand that using colour schemes, bold texts, relevant and snappy information etc will catch the audience’s eye and increase my magazine’s popularity. I will avoid using dull colours, crowded imagery, or lengthy paragraphs on my title page as this is not attractive and would reduce interest.


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