Prelim Task Mood Montage

For this task, we has to get into groups and create a storyboard of all the shots we plan to include in our montage. This helped us to get a better idea of what we wanted to include, and how it would pan out during filming. Our montage should include a wide variety of shots, angles and movements. Our creative intention was to ‘Communicate an idea in film’, and our prompt was ‘No man is an island’ and the word ‘determination’.  We then has to come up with some ideas for our montage and turn this into a storyboard mapping out each individual shot we would film. With a minimum of 40 seconds, we has to ensure we had enough shots to fill up this space whilst making sure it is interesting and varied. This sequence should not aim to tell a story, but instead should present a specific tone or atmosphere through the use of angles, movement and vague narrative.

Our storyboard:

My Montage:


  • I think that we were successful in creating good continuity.
  • I think we edited the montage well.
  • I like the short and simple narrative used to communicate our prompt.


  • There were certain parts of the edit that were slightly jumpy.
  • The pan was a little shaky.
  • Certain shots could’ve been a little bit shorter.

Overall, I am happy with our montage and think that is has given me good preparation and insight into what doing my music video will be like. I now understand that a simple narrative is effective and can communicate a meaning on its own, without having to include a detailed plot as this can be confusing and uninteresting.