The Camera Talks


In groups of three, we were asked to take a minimum of 50 photos that told a story. We had to get used to using a DSLR camera and produce good quality photos. We tried lots of different locations, these all had a variety of lightings and space which helped us to tell different stories through our images. The outdoor photos have high-key lighting which gives a more optimistic and easy-going vibe. Whereas, the photo of me sitting on a chair from the top of the stairwell has low-key lighting. I have also sat alone and look very isolated. The denotation is just that I am sitting on a chair on my own. But the slim view I am shown through in the stairwell could connote that I feel trapped and stressed. This contrasts with the photos in the football goal. It is in an open space with bright, natural lighting which makes the audience think that Ben is happy and feels free, rather than confined.

In the photos of me and Anya on the stage, we have used Mise-en-Scene to express our relationship. We used proxemics/distance and sat close together to present the idea that we are friends and get on well, rather than sitting far away from each other and having closed off body language; this would imply that we do not like each other and are maybe in a disagreement.

We also tried using a distorted angle in the photo of me and Anya on the stairs. This created an odd atmosphere and added more to the photo rather than just using a regular mid-shot for example. It poses some questions for the audience such as ‘why was it taken at such an angle?’, or ‘why was it framed that way?’.

Having this knowledge with benefit me when it comes to producing my own magazine as I have gained skills regarding using a DSLR camera on my own. I can now use it to my advantage and try different things with the lighting, angles, and composition for example. These will all add depth to my images and help me create the photos I would like to. I now have a much larger range of functions I can try out in my photography which will help me find what works well for me. Using elements such as lighting and angles will help to change the tone, mood, or story I want to tell.


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