Draft Feature Article

I filled out a document to help myself plan the article for the double-page spread, this way I will be more prepared when actually writing my article and it will be more time-efficient.

Here is my Draft Article:

New to the R&B scene Jessie Page debuts her new album ‘Violet’. All is revealed as she spills about songs that are special to her and her main inspirations. Jessie has been singing since she was just a little girl, and since then has gone on to conquer the music world. Read on to find out more!…

‘Why did you want to be a singer?’
  • ‘I have always loved music and everything that comes with it. I started singing in the shower and from then it just grew really. I just knew I had to be known by others’. 
‘Did anyone in particular inspire you?’
  • ‘I have loved Micheal Jackson from such a young age. He’s how I was introduced to R&B actually, there was not one song I didn’t like. I liked other genres too of course, but that’s when I fell in love with R&B’
‘How are you feeling about your new fame? And how did it come about?’
  • ‘I absolutely adore it! It’s all so new and slightly scary, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. It all started when my youtube videos of me singing my songs got some recognition. Then I made some social media accounts for my music and they grew so fast!’
What’s your favourite song on your album ‘Violet’?’
  • ‘That’s really tough because I am so proud of every single one, but most likely ‘It’s you’. A special person who I won’t name to save them from total embarrassment inspired it entirely.’
‘Do you find it difficult to write songs?’
  • Well, it depends on the song to be completely honest. Sometimes they just come to me and I can write them within an hour, other times it takes weeks. I don’t mind though, I’d rather take my time and be super happy with the final result because I’m just so passionate about my songs.’ 
‘Do you plan on writing another album?’

‘Oh 100%, I’m just not too sure when yet. I already have some ideas brewing, but of course, this is a lot to take in so I’d like to get used to everything and find my place in the music industry first.’ 

‘Are you excited about your first gig?’
  • I can’t explain how much I am looking forward to it! I just want it to be perfect for everyone that comes to support me. It really does mean a lot to me so I want people to enjoy it as much as I hope to. I know it is a small thing for many other singers, but I think it brings a lot of opportunities for new artists.’ 
‘Do you have a lot of followers?’
  • I would like to say so, I have around 200 thousand right now, which is just crazy to me and I’m so grateful!’ 
‘What do you like to do when you’re not writing?’ 
  • I love meeting up with my friends and just hanging out, also spending time with family is so important to me. Shopping is my guilty pleasure, and baking also takes up a lot of my time.’ 
‘What are your plans for the future Jessie?’

– ‘Well, if all goes well I’d like to gain some more recognition, release some more albums and go on tour eventually, crazy I know! It would also be my absolute dream to collab with Frank Ocean. He’s my favourite modern R&B star, and his music has had an insane impact on my life’. 

If you love the sound of Jessie Paige, here’s where you can find her:

  • @jessiepaigeofficial – Instagram
  • @jessiepaigemusic – Youtube
  • @jessiepaigeofficial – Twitter
  • www.jessiepaige.co.uk

Then, I read the article out loud to help myself highlight any mistakes:

These are my targets to improve the article:

  • Check for spelling mistakes
  • Add more commas
  • Make some answers longer
  • Add some more exclusive information e.g. gossip about friends.
Here is my article after teacher feedback:

New to the R&B scene, Jessie Page debuts her new album ‘Violet’. All is revealed as she spills the tea about songs that are special to her and her main inspirations. Jessie has been singing since she was just a little girl, and since then has gone on to conquer the music world. Motion met up with the star last night after her gig to find out all the gossip about her music, love life, and new friendships! Read on to find out more…

‘Why did you want to be a singer?’
  • ‘I have always loved music and everything that comes with it. I started singing in the shower and from then it just grew really. I just knew I had to be known by others’. 
‘Who in particular inspired you?’
  • ‘I have loved Micheal Jackson from such a young age. He’s how I was introduced to R&B actually, there was not one song I didn’t like. I liked other genres too of course, but that’s when I fell in love with R&B’
‘How are you feeling about your new fame? And how did it come about?’
  • ‘I absolutely adore it! It’s all so new and slightly scary, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. It all started when my youtube channel gained some recognition after my song ‘Loving you’ went viral. Then I made some social media accounts for my music and they grew so fast!’
What’s your favourite song on your album ‘Violet’?’
  • ‘That’s really tough because I am so proud of every single one, but most likely ‘It’s you’. A special person who I won’t name to save them from total embarrassment inspired it entirely.’
‘How difficult is it to write songs?’
  • Well, it depends on the song to be completely honest. Sometimes they just come to me and I can write them within an hour, other times it takes weeks. I don’t mind though, I’d rather take my time and be super happy with the final result because I’m just so passionate about my songs. I’ll let you in on a little secret about my writing process, I always have to carry a pack of skittles with me, whenever I get stuck on a line I eat a few and I’m back on track!’ 
‘When is the next album coming?’

‘Well I’m definitely planning on writing another, I’m just not too sure when yet. I already have some ideas brewing, but of course, this is a lot to take in so I’d like to get used to everything and find my place in the music industry first.’ 

‘How was your first gig?’
  • I can’t explain how much I loved it! It was so perfect. It really does mean a lot to me so I hope those who came to support me loved it as much as I did. I know it is a small step for many other singers, but I think it brings a lot of opportunities for new artists like myself.’ 
‘How did you and Erin meet? Have you always got on?’
  • Oh great question, well obviously she was in the music industry way before me so I used to be quite intimidated by her actually! The first time we met was in a music store a few months ago. We were both buying CD’s when I told her I knew her songs and thought she was super talented. After that, we exchanged socials and have been besties ever since. We get on so well and I am very lucky to have by my side to help guide me’. 
‘How many followers do you have on Instagram?’
  • Well currently I have around 200 thousand right now, which is just crazy to me and I’m so grateful! Although this is a crazy amount already, I hope my platform will continue to grow as I produce more music’ 
‘What do you like to do when you’re not writing?’ 
  • I love meeting up with my friends and just hanging out, also spending time with family is so important to me. Shopping is my guilty pleasure, and baking also takes up a lot of my time.’ 
‘What are your plans for the future Jessie?’

– ‘Well, if all goes well I’d like to gain some more recognition, release some more albums and go on tour eventually, crazy I know! It would also be my absolute dream to collab with Frank Ocean. He’s my favourite modern R&B star, and his music has had an insane impact on my life’. 

If you love the sound of Jessie Paige, here’s where you can find her:

@jessiepaigeofficial – Instagram

@jessiepaigemusic – Youtube

@jessiepaigeofficial – Twitter


Location Shoot – Contact Sheets

This is my contact sheet containing photos from my second photo shoot:

We went to Castle Cornet, which was a good location with a variety of places to take pictures. Overall, the shoot went well and I am happy with the outcome. I tried a selection of angles and lighting to communicate different meanings. I wanted to tell a story with my props and costumes, so I brought a variety to see what worked best. I did have to delete a selection of photos that were either over-exposed, badly composed or not in focus. Next time I would check the image is coming out well before taking lots as it did waste some time and storage.

These are my favourite images out of the shoot that I am considering including in my magazine:

I like the one above specifically as there are props, costume and hair used to communicate a star image of a star from the ’90s. This helps represent my chosen genre of 90’s R&B. There is also space for writing so I may use this for my double page spread.