Contents Page – Draft 2

What’s new?

I have made several changes to my contents page such as trying out and changing the colour scheme, making the text diagonal in the pug, adding another subheading to relate to the rule of thirds, as well as making the main cover star’s image less stretched. Now that I have changed the colours to purple, this makes my colour scheme much more consistent throughout my magazine.

Next targets:
  • Model looks stretched
  • Add colour to the text in the pug
  • Try colouring the numbers
  • Add some more information into the coverlines
  • Make the ‘What’s Inside?’ smaller
  • Align the page numbers with the coverlines…some are at the top, some are in the middle.
  • Photoshop the photos i.e. make the colours pop more
What’s next?

After reading this feedback, I will work on adding more colours to add interest, adding more information about my magazine to keep it relevant, and I will also change the layout to see what is most effective.


Double Page Spread – Draft 2

Please click on first half of the image to enlarge.

What’s new?

I have made significant changes in my second draft of my double-page spread. I have flipped the image so that Jess is looking at the text, changed the layout of the columns and added coloured blocks to match my theme behind the text, added my actual article, changed the name of the article to to something more interesting and relevant, along with adding a standfirst and different images from the shoot. I am much happier with this draft after taking feedback into consideration.

Next Targets:
  • Place the standfirst higher up
  • Some of the copy is very close to the edge of the column boxes
  • Add page numbers
  • A byline is needed
  • The insets need some thought…is the caption too long?
  • Either caption the other inset or don’t include top right
  • Check all 3 columns are the same size
  • Consider changing the main headlines font
What’s next?

Next, I will work on the layout of the double page spread, whilst considering how fonts, colours and font size affects the look of the page. I will also be adding some conventions that I forgot to add such as the byline and page numbers.