Chosen Adverts

Advert 1

Although this task will not be marked, it is further evidence of my understanding of my target audience and what content they would enjoy. Including these extra pages will make the Flipsnack more effective, whilst improving the presentation of my magazine overall.

I have chosen a Gucci advertisement as I think it is suitable for my target audience of teenagers/young adults. I completed research on who my target audience is by creating a ‘dating profile’ to further understand what their likes/dislikes may be. I came to the conclusion that a large amount of R&B fans are younger people who invest time into fashion, music, and environmental issues.  After researching their demographics on ‘’, I have found that fashion, beauty, and lifestyle are a common interest; so Gucci is relevant to the consumers of my magazine. As Gucci keeps up with both current trends and creates new ones for people to adopt as their own, I think this is something younger people would enjoy to see advertised as a large part of youth culture evolves around fashion and new trends.

Advert 2

I have also chosen to include a tour poster of Rihanna’s. This is because she is a popular R&B artist, which is highly relevant to my music magazine as this is my genre. Including an R&B artist creates interest with my readers and shows that I have a good understanding what my audience enjoys. Advertising this world tour will help create more interest in my magazine as readers will associate ‘Motion’ with opportunities for things they enjoy such as concerts/gigs/new music.