Favourite Music Video from Former Student

This is my favourite music video from a former student:

I have chosen this music video as I think that they have achieved a very high standard through the use of composition/camera, editing, accurate lip syncing and mise-en-scene. I will be deconstructing and analysing this music video, along with explaining why it is my favourite by decoding the technical conventions used. This will help me going forward as I now understand the high standards expected of me when producing my music video, and what areas I must ensure are done to my best ability e.g. mise-en-scene, editing, camera etc.


A lot of attention has been payed to mise-en-scene, with costume, makeup, setting, props etc all being included for effect. The all black clothing show that this will not be a light-hearted or funny music video, but instead dramatic and ominous. This also helps crate a focal point of the chains around her neck, which may relate to her feeling trapped by something. This all creates a star image of someone who is very serious, thoughtful and takes her music seriously.


This video has been edited very well with a range of effects and transitions included. It is edited to the beat at times which creates a fast and jumpy pace of edit.

Narrative vs performance ratio:

I think that this video is  mainly made up performance, there is not a very clear narrative but the song and video are not disjunctive.  Certain lyrics may be hinting to a feeling of entrapment and stress, which could correlate to the chains and blood coming out of her mouth.

Camera and composition:

A large variety of camera angles and shots have been used such as close ups, extreme close ups, long shots, high angles, low angles etc. These help to create meaning, for example, the low angles of her help convey her as a confident and threatening person who holds power. This makes the audience feel vulnerable.  The range of shots help to keep the video interesting and shows that a lot of attention to detail and thought has gone into it in pre-production.

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