Mini Pitch – Initial Ideas

This is my first mini pitch for my music video song:

I looked at a variety of artists and genres, and considered what narrative I could create from these. This will be a good start for me to gather some ideas of what genre and style I would like to adapt, along with what ideas and tones the music I will chose connotes. Understanding what settings I could use will also be helpful as I can develop the tone and atmosphere according to this.

I have taken narrative into consideration whilst creating this slideshow, thinking about what ratio of narrative to performance I would like along with whether I want it to be amplified, illustrative or disjunctive. I will also need to think about whether making it anachronic, linear or montage and which is the most effective for my chosen genre and song.

Star image is vital when creating a music video, as it is obviously to some degree about the artist. I will develop their star image by using mise-en-scene to create a certain persona and style which the audience can enjoy.  Location is an important part of this, as if it is a serious and chilling music video, it should not be set at a lively beach or park on a sunny day, unless going for a disjunctive music video but this can be hard to pull off. Lip syncing must be accurate and timed well otherwise this can ruin the entire quality of the music video, even if all of the other technical conventions are well produced. Editing must also be done well in post-production as this is vital for making the music video seem well produced and continuous. Poor editing can result in a sloppy and jumpy video.

This will be a good start for me in creating my music video plan as I have taken into account a variety of technical conventions and considered what needs to be done in order for my music video to do well.