Production Meeting Agenda – Shoot 1 (Performance)

Our production meeting agenda is a rough plan showing our decisions for costumes, lighting, makeup, props and technical equipment. We have also  noted who is responsible for which items, this gives us a good idea of what we need to prepare before the shoot, giving us time to get things ready so that on the day we are organised and ready to get on. In this shoot for the performance side of the music video, we are aiming to get a variety of shots, angles and movements, keeping it interesting and unique. We have considered what mise-en-scene we will need to keep it relevant to our genre, but also link to the lyrics/tone of the song we have chosen. We went for a dress, black boots, jewellery, makeup to make her look bruised, and also messy hair to show that she has put up a fight. This will add depth and interest into her character, as it leaves clues as to what has happened to her for the audience to consider.

Please click on image to access PDF:

Risk Assessment

Doing a risk assessment is crucial for ensuring safety for each member of the group. It allows us to consider any potential risks to our health/safety, and to come up with how we will avoid any dangers. Altogether, this allows for the shoot to run smoothly with no interuptions, meaning we are able to film a high-quality performane in a safe environment.

This is my group’s risk assessment in preparation for our music video performance shoot:

Please click on image to access PDF:


Star Image – The Performer

This is a moodboard of my star’s image:

This Canva was made with the intention to create a visual explanation of the star image me and my group were aiming to achieve. Having this moodboard is very useful as it helps to remind me of what our chosen star image is all about and why it is important for the artist’s career. Referring to Richard Dyer’s ‘The Paradox of the Star’, he suggests that a star’s ‘meta-narrative’ impacts on the consumption by the audience. He also argued that the star image is manufactured/artificial and that stars have their own unique selling point which grabs and holds our attention. This explains why it is s crucial to have a strong, interesting and memorable star image, it directly benefits the consumption of the star’s music, products, collaberations etc. Whether this star image is ordinary, where they seem normal, approachable and relatable, or extraordinary where they seem almost unreal, untouchable and idol like. Many stars adopt both sides to appeal to different audiences. They must also understand who there target audience is in order to stay successfu by constantly recieving support by them.

Focusing forward, this moodboard will be very helpful throughtout this project as I will be able to refer back to it and ensure that I am reinforcing this star image in all of my relevant work e.g. production meeting agendas.  This essentially keeps my work focused on the correct genres, styles etc.