Music Video Draft 1 – Rough Cut

The rough cut of our performance:

This draft edit of our performance is a good start and learning curve for when it comes to editing our final music video with both the performance and narrative parts. Eve did well with lip syncing and when it came editing the lip syncing matched the song really well. If we had more time we could’ve used more of our footage, but it will not go to waste as this was only a draft and we will use it in the final edit. Overall I would say that this was a good first attempt at editing a music video, and I have learnt valuable lessons which will aid me in the next shoot we do for this project.

Targets for improvement:
  • Edit to the beat more accurately
  • Rearrange the clips to try something new
  • Ensure that when filming there are no distractions e.g. the puddle in the high angle of Eve

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