Timeline and Marketing Ideas

I have completed a timeline of what order we would like to upload our posts for our social media page. Although we may alter this in the future, it is a great way to get our ideas out and start organising the page. Consideration of order is very important when running a marketing campaign/account. This is because it must be done in a certain order that will promote new projects and products, engage with the audience, and tease fans to keep them supporting and buying. Creators will consider AIDA (Attract, Interest, Desire and Action) when posting, and will upload media that does these 4 things for the audience. This may be a guerilla marketing stunt, music video teaser, Q&A etc. These will optimise the chance of engagement and positive growth in the account. They may also look at Blumler and Katz’s ‘Uses and Gratifications’ theory. This argues that media must include entertainment, information, social interaction, and ways to reinforce one’s personal identity in order to be successful and go viral.

Below is the timeline:

After this, I went onto Sandbox and looked at marketing campaigns from other successful artists. I researched what went into the campaigns, what was well recieved, what wasn’t effective etc.

Audience Interaction with a Social Media Page – An Analysis

Below is a screen castify that my group and I created, analysing a professional social media page. We chose to look at Miley Cyrus’ Instagram page, as it influenced our own and we loved her general aesthetic. We found that it contained all of the technical conventions that a successful social media page must have. For example, in the Screencastify we analyse how it fulfils all of Blumler and Katz’s ‘Uses of Gratification’ (entertainment, information, personal identity, social interaction).  It also makes use of AIDA (attention, interest, desire and call to Action) through aspect such as her posts, stories, links etc. It is clear that Miley and her team understand her target audience and USP. They show this through their use of integrated advertising and promotion of her products/collaberations. Although guerilla marketing was not evident, she does understand how to use shock tactics with her costume and poses which she knows will spark controversy and increase her engagement.

Social Media Page Terminology

Here is a slideshow I made, assessing a star’s social media page:

This was a very interesting and helpful task as it has shown me what a successful social media page looks like. I chose to look at an Instagram page as this is what my group and I are choosing to use for our own social media platform. I considered what relevant terminology/technical conventions I should be looking for, and did some brief explanations of why these elements work. I looked at how the star is presented and how her brand is promoted. I also considered why having a large following and engagement rate is important. This has also developed my understanding of our target audience, and shown me what conventions, topics, image styles, content etc that they enjoy consuming online. This has inspired some ideas for our own platform.

Digipak Draft 2

Front Pane:

Inside panes:

Back pane:

Screencastify with feedback:

Summary of feedback:

  • Nice graphics
  • Check combination of fonts on front pane
  • Try a canted angle of front pane image
  • Play around with photo manipulation in PhotoShop
  • Add drop shadow on circle
  • Add graphics into the inside on CD/back
  • Add ‘Violet’ to spines
  • Try alternating colours of the tracklist
  • Make image bigger on the front
  • Add coloured highlights to hair

Digipak Draft 1

Below is the first draft of our digipak, we have so far completed a front and back pane. Whilst designing these, we considered what we wanted our brand to be, and how we would construct our star image. We researched the typical conventions of Pop/Pop Rock, and looked at what colour palettes, fonts/typefaces, graphics, photo manipulation, illustrations etc are commonly used in the genre. I am pleased with this first draft, and we have collated feedback which we can use to better our product and we continue designing.

This is some self assessment based on crtieria from the slideshow above:

Targets for improvement:

  • We could try including alternating clours on the tracklist e.g. pink and white
  • Or a compeletely different colour for the tracklist
  • Add more drop shadow on the title ‘Violet’
  • Add a record label logo
  • Try more photo manipulation methods


Evaluation of Digipak Photoshoot

Overall, I think that we had a successful photoshoot. We were organised beforehand due to completing a production meeting agenda/risk assessment, and we had carried out lots of research to look for inspiration. We did this research on software like Padlet, Pinterest, professional digipaks, artist websites e.g. Dua Lipa/Jessie J, and more. I believe that this really helped us to come up with our own ideas that we could use during the shoot. We produced around 300 images, giving us a great range of choice for our final images.  We produced equal efforts to make this shoot as successful as possible, by all conducting individual research that we would report back to the group, and we each brought costumes, makeup, props etc that we used during the shoot.

What went well:

  • We were organised before and throughout the shoot
  • We communicated well, whether it was in person or over social media when planning
  • Good efforts towards mise-en-scene
  • A wide variety of shots were taken
  • We listened to eachothers ideas and comprimised when we all had different ideas
  • We set up early to avoid wasting studio time

What I would do next time:

  • Include another outfit for variety/choice
  • Include a wider variety of poses/facial expressions
  • More extreme close-ups
  • Play with lighting
  • Book the studio for longer to avoid rushing

Graphics/Illustrations Drafts Ideas

My group and I have been researching how we can create a graphic to include in our digipak. Following the themes and connotations of our genre, we have decided to design a wings and halo graphic on Photoshop. We will play around with different colours, styles etc, but we will most likely make it a shade of pink to match the rest of our digipak’s colour scheme. Below is a tutorial we watched, this shows the rough style of what we want to create:

Digipak Photoshoot Production Meeting Agenda + Risk Assessment

Below are my group’s Production Meeting Agenda and Risk Assessment for our next photoshoot. This will be to collect images for our digipak project. It is important to complete these documents before photoshoots as we were able to organise ourselves and we have planned exactly what we will be doing during the shoot, meaning we won’t waste anytime when on the real shoot. Risk assessments are vital when considering any potential dangers and reducing the chance of any injuries occuring.

Please click on image to access PDF:

Our risk assessment (Please click on image to access PDF):

DP Mockup

This is my drawn idea for what our digipak could look like:

Our chosen colour scheme:

We have now got a good plan of what direction we will go in during the production process of our digipak. We have looked at professional examples, colour schemes, graphic ideas, typical conventions, how we can make ours unique by deviating from conventions etc. We want to produce an eye-catching digipak that is of a high quality and has interestng graphics, colours, fonts, tracklist to name a few. It is essential that our star is represnted as extraordinary, and we will aim to achieve this through the use of mise-en-scene and editing techniques. We will us software such as InDesign and Photoshop to do this.