The Look Book – The Branding Package

This is my groups Digipak Look Book, it shows a variety of inspirations for our final Digipak. It shows the colour schemes, poses, designs, editing techniques, hairstyles, makeup, fonts, outfits etc that interest us. This will be a good starting pount for our project, as we have gained insight into what styles are relevant to our music genre.

Made with Padlet

Our Mission Statement – The Package Brand

In order to prepare for the digipak, my group prepared a slideshow which researches who our target audience is, their demographics/psychographics, what media they consume etc. We then planned how we want our audience to engage with our star/album (call to action). We also looked at the typical conventions of similar artists to our own e.g. Jessie J. We looked at her website and consudered the colour schemes, fonts, photography etc.

Next we considered what our USP (Unique Selling Point) would be, and decided that we want to emphasize the extraordinary of our star as it fits the genres of Pop/Rock. We also needed to come up with a mission statement. It summarised who our star is, what her music is like, teases the release of her new album etc.

This is our full mission statement:

“Violet is the newest pop rock princess of our generation. Her bold lyrics coupled with her catchy, energetic music is taking the industry by storm. Her new album ‘ASYLUM’ has captured the hearts of millions, and sets high standards for competing artists. Featuring her new hit song ‘Unexpected’ this album going to make history in the pop rock scene.”