Social Media Page Draft 2

A screencastify with feedback on our Social Media Page:

Summary of targets:

  • Reply to fans for social interaction
  • Add a promo code for skincare ad
  • Details for album e.g. tracklist
  • Cross media convergence – radio interview
  • Include call to action when releasing album
  • Charity post/politcal views – maybe litter picking on beach post
  • Put out music video
  • Animations on a few posts e.g. on album from front to back

Social Media Page Draft 1

This is the first draft of our Social Media Page:

We have put up 8 posts so far, which consist of an introduction, a behind the scenes of a photoshoot, a skincare ad, backstage of a performance, music video release, album release, merch release, and a merch giveaway. We have also created several story highlights with topics and other things relevant to our genre/star image. I am happy with the progression so far, but think there are some things we have missed out, for example, I think that we neeed to build more tension for things such as the album release. This increases engagement with fans and replicates a SMP with more authenticity. Regarding the general asthetic of our page, we have tried to follow on from the digipak with the pink and ‘girly’ colour scheme, to create a package of products that have a specific branding of femininity, confidence, body image etc.

Below is my evaluation of our first draft, please click on the image to access full PDF:

Targets for improvement:

  • Add more teaser posts to build anticipation
  • Cross media convergence needed – radio interview
  • Promote physical copies of album
  • Ensure timeline is correct