Shoot 2 – Narrative Reflection

Overall, I think that our second music video shoot for the narrative side was succesful. We were far more organised than we were for the performance shoot due to completing planning forms such as the Production Meeting Agenda prior to filming. We went to a bunker site, this was a great setting for our song as it was desolate, isolated and bleak which represents the tone of the lyrics. We moved around the location after finishing the bunker scenes and took advantage of the scenery e.g. the fields and bus. We use a camera, tripod and lighting to achieve a high-quality narrative shoot. We followed our original narrative plot, and made minor adjustments on the day by using what we had regarding the setting. For example, we found a long strip of road so filmed a handheld pan and chase scene to build tension near the end of the song.

These are some images from our day of filming:

What went well:
  • Interesting setting
  • Good use of mise-en-scene
  • Serious acting
  • Good compostion
  • Variety of filming techniques
Even better if:
  • More control over lighting – partly controlled and partly natural which affected the quality
  • More developed shot list
  • Next time I would produce a list of items we have brought as we were contantly worring abuout leaving something behind – this list would eliminate the risk of this happening and allow us to concentrate on filming.

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