A New Improved Front Cover

Above is a new improved front cover of my magazine. I took on board all the feedback I was given and things I could improve on and made some changes to my front cover to make it look more professional.

What did I need to improve on?

  • Insert more pugs/plugs
  • Use a font that I haven’t already used for the headline and main cover line
  • Add more text/information to catch the consumers eye

What did I do?

I added two inset images and plugs, I also added a speech bubble that says the magazine includes a free poster to catch the consumers eye as generally music magazine front covers are packed with information. For my pugs/pugs, I decided to use a different font as the one I chose was difficult to read in a smaller typeface, it looks better just being used for the main cover line instead of the plugs/pugs as well.



Draft 2 – Contents Page



How does the contents page work in tandem with the front cover?

The two pages work together very well as they look very similar and carry the same aesthetic throughout the pages.

Is the font/typeface consistent with the front cover?

Yes it is as the fonts are the same.

What genre of music is the contents page featuring?

It is featuring Drum and bass.

Describe the images of the stars using adjectives.

Rebellious, edgy, unruly, chill, fashionable, laid back,

Which areas, aspects have distracting areas of integration of copy and images?

The empty space between the tilted pictures and the bottom of the page. This could be filled out with small lines similar to the ones throughout the contents page and front cover.

What aspects do you consider conventional and unconventional?

The page is quite conventional as there is nothing that could be considered outrageous.

Targets for development:

  • Fill the empty space at the bottom where the insets are with lines or something else
  • Insert page numbers to the different articles
  • Insert text that will be on the different pages


Draft 3 – Double Page Spread


Are the media forms present that are conventional for a DPS – byline, standfirst, columns text, page numbers, drop capitals, headline?

There is a clear title that works well with the picture of MC Cook. There are drop capitals present in the page but there are some things missing such as the page number and there is no byline.

Is the layout considering where the fold will be in the DPS?

The fold is considered but there will still be a slight problem as i believe the “NO LOOKING BACK” will be slightly in the fold.

Does the image create enough visual intrigue for the reader to stop turning the page and read more?

Yes as the image looks slightly mysterious and sad as the title is no looking back. This makes me want to read the page.

Does the language and register in the headline create enough interest for the reader to commit reading the copy?

Yes as the headline is very mysterious and we don’t know what has happened in his past that he does not want to look back on.

Targets for development:

  • Add page numbers and byline
  • Move things along so when the DPS is folded the headline and some of the image isn’t in the fold
  • Maybe make the headline smaller so it fits onto one side of  the page so it looks more like a DPS and wont get in the way of the fold in the middle

Communicating My Brand

What was the task?

In order to get ideas for our magazine, we took inspiration from Pinterest, other things associated with our genre, and used a colour wheel to get a colour scheme we would like for our magazine.

Below is a link to my Pinterest mood board:

What have I learnt?

From creating this mood board, I learnt that for the Drum and Bass/Dance genre, they use dark colours alongside very bright/neon colours such as purples and blues to make things pop. They also do patterns almost looking like strobe lights or something similar in the background to make it look more interesting. The font type used most frequently was san serif and very bold. There isn’t generally much text on the images I have found, only the key information.

Creating a mood board will help me in order to think of new ideas and things I could use for my own magazine, and the type of colours and typeface I should use in order for it to appeal to that certain audience. This has helped me to understand the genre a bit more and give me more of an insight on how the genre is displayed and how I should set out my magazine.

So… I’m Ready to Photograph my Star

In order to take the images for my magazine as best as possible. I have done some research in how I can make my images as professional as possible. The things I have researched are:

  • How to set up a DSLR Camera and the lighting needed.
    • This is important when taking photos as I need the background and the model to be well lit, I also need to use a tripod so the camera is steady and the pictures don’t come out blurry. We have been shown how to correctly set up the lights needed for perfect photos, and how the shutter speed and aperture can change the look of an image.
  • Mise-en scene (CLAMPS)
    • This is to help the message of the genre. For example, my genre is drum and bass, so I wouldn’t have my model dressed in dark black clothing, dark makeup and using a guitar as a prop because that isn’t the correct use of mise-en scene.

With this information, I feel like I can photograph my star correctly and professionally for my magazine Rave, and I will be able to convey the right meaning to the consumer.

2nd Shoot Contact Sheets

What did we do?

For this photoshoot, we went into town to get more images for our magazines.

How did this meet my expectations? 

For this shoot, I wanted my models to be dressed casually which they did, I took some shots that look rebellious outside of the Police Station which also fit into the unruly genre that is drum and bass. I used the blow up pineapple and watermelon as props because I was trying to tell a story of a party in Ibiza, or somewhere similar where they would have pool floats. My models costumes also fit in with the colour of my props. To conclude, I think my photoshoot went as planned and fit all my expectations with how I wanted my images to look.

Draft 1 of Front Cover and Feedback and Reflection


This is the first draft for my drum and bass magazine ‘RAVE’.

What was the task?

We had to mock up a draft front cover for our magazine and get feedback on what is good and what we can improve on for next time.

Feedback and how I can improve.

For my feedback for the most part it was positive. How the main cover star stands out against the dark background, how it fits into the genre, and how the props I have used are conventional and fit the genre.

I got some feedback on how I can improve it and make it look more professional. These are; to include more insets/pugs and plugs, use a different font for the plugs so it is easier to read when in a smaller typeface, and to maybe add another cover line to catch the consumers eye and draw them in. I will keep all of these things in mind when I improve on this draft to make it look as professional as it can.


To conclude, I think it is clear that my front cover is for drum and bass because of the name ‘RAVE’, that my main cover star is wearing headphones around his neck, and that the prop used is an LP as that is generally what DJ’s use for their music. I just need to improve on small things such as using different fonts and add more images onto it.

First Shoot Contact Sheets

The pictures above are contact sheets from my first photo shoot with Luca as my model. I am happy with these images as I think they meet the criteria and Mise-en scene I set for myself in my production meeting agenda.

What Pictures Worked Well?

The pictures I think worked well are the ones where my model is wearing a blue, pink and black jumper as it is eye-catching and stands out. I also think the ones with the LPs in worked particularly well as it fits in with then genre well as it is something generally DJs use.

What Could of Gone Better?

Some of my images are a bit blurry, this is because for some of them I didn’t use a tripod. This is something I will improve on for the future and make sure I do with my next photo shoots.


Star Image

What was the task?

We had to research artists that are involved with our genre and how they are portrayed in the media. I decided to choose Chase and Status.

What have I learnt?

I have learnt about star image and the different ways in how the media can portray these artists in interviews, how they are in public and what they post on social media. I also had a look at the Mise-en scene of these artists and how I could use that to help me with my photoshoot.

During our lessons, we researched someone called Richard Dyer and he came up with a theory called the Paradox of the star.

If they are ordinary they will do things that normal people do such as go food shopping, clothes shopping and drive their own cars.

If they are extraordinary, they are famous, don’t do things that normal people would do and are talented at what they do.

If they are Present, the audience seem to be closer to them, we can see what they post on social media, they have sites where they can reach their fans and we can interact with them and give them feedback and they will listen.

If they are Absent, we feel disconnected from the, we only see them on TV programs and maybe their concerts, they don’t post much on social media and might not listen to their fans.

How has this helped me?

This will help me when I come to do my magazine as I will know how to convey my cover stars in a certain way to appeal to the audience, and what type of things my star will do so the consumer can get more on an insight into their life.

My Audience Profile

What was the task?

To find out more about our audience for our magazine, we had to do some research on Yougov and make a dating profile for someone that fits our target audience. Click on the image above to see larger.

Using the website Yougov.co.uk I researched people involved in the drum and bass scene to see their Demographics and Psychographics and their interests. People that listen to this genre of music are aged between 18-24 and are mostly male. Drum and bass in the UK originates from Bristol and London, so people that listen to this genre are typically located in the south to south-west of England. Generally, there are a lot of amateur DJ’s that are from these areas as well.  This is how I made my dating profile, I combined all of this information and created a female that is from South London, that is 21 years old, and that is a party-goer. I also put in the dating profile that the female does Djing in nightclubs and local festivals as a hobby. Using Yougov to research for my genre helped a lot as I now know more about the audience I will need to relate to for my magazine, and what type of things to include in my music magazine to attract the consumer.

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