Social Media Page Draft 1

Here is our Draft 1 for our Social Media Page.


Firstly, we named our artist ‘Maevesofficial’ as it is easy for the public to find and is expressible of Maeve. Using the word ‘official’ made it simple for the audience to know this is Maeve’s true account, cancelling out any accounts owned by fans representing Maeve.

Having a bio is vital as it is the first thing followers read and it explains who you are, what you do and what you are promoting. In our case, our artist is Maeve, she is an Artist, and her new album ‘Adolescence’ release date is the 28th of December. We made it straight to the point to prevent it becoming too overcrowded and confusing.

Maeve’s profile picture is from one of her shoots to further connote this is her official account and to represent her star image as quirky and fun. A profile picture is important as it remains as the picture that her audience connects and relates to.

Our Social Media Page currently has four posts, starting off with an introduction to Maeve and her new album, a post thanking her fans for the support they are giving her and her music, a teaser for her new and upcoming music video and finally a BTS post showing her on set at a photoshoot.


Self Assessment


Completing a self- assessment showed me what elements I need to include still in my Social Media Page and comparing my first draft to a mark scheme allowed me to create targets that will make my SMP more effective in my next draft.

Targets for my Next Draft:

  • Synergy- link Maeve to other brands that would appeal to her audience.
  • Converged Media Convergence – link my star with other media, for example, interviews.
  • Create highlights for the audience to keep updated on upcoming releases and behind the scenes.
  • Put a Q&A on her story for the audience to ask questions about her ordinary and extra – ordinary life.
  • Post ordinary pictures of Maeve for the audience to relate to.













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