Hello Media Studies

Hello, my name is Izzy and I am studying Media at the Grammar Sixth From Centre. I am so excited to study Media for the next two years as it is my first time taking a creative subject.

By studying Media I am hoping to develop my knowledge and produce high quality media pieces by the end of the two- year course.  In my opinion, currently my creative skills are stable however I am hoping that I can improve my creativity and think of more inspiring and original ideas as I continue the course. I believe I can do this by really thinking out of the box and building up my knowledge of what people enjoy and are intrigued by online. For my music magazine, I am planning on finding a topic that is exciting and important to me. I think this would make it easier for me to communicate with my target audience.

The skills I am planning on using and developing are…

  • Transferable skills– I am planning on working in a team, organizing and prioritizing.
  • At the moment, I do not feel confident using my Technical skills so throughout this course I would like to become more able to use different skills like photoshopping, designing and IT communication.
  • I come from a school which was mainly handwritten work so I am excited to develop my computer skills and learn how to handle my own blog.
  • I am excited to become more advanced on different editing apps like photoshop.
  • Lastly, I look forward to being able to successfully edit and produce my music video.

What skills I already have…

  • I have an older brother who’s friends I modelled for their photography and media A-level, which enabled me to experiment with what makes a good and bad photo. It also allowed me to practice with different costumes and makeup looks which is an aspect of Mise- En Scene.
  • A lot of my life I have been on social media so I have seen different popular cultures and how different genres and styles grasp the attention of certain people.

People engage with Media by finding what they’re interested in and developing their knowledge and understanding of that topic. I am hoping that by researching and developing my own ideas, I can engage with the audience to find something that interests us both.

I am a Media Prosumer

My media bubble contains different aspects like: Social interaction, personal identity and information.

Media is produced to entertain people in many different ways. For example, as shown on my media bubble, I use social sites like Snapchat which allow me to keep in contact with my friends and the world.  Media such as, the News, also allows me to learn about what is going on in the world around me and to keep me updated on different events happening in Guernsey. Media provides me with entertainment and information, but it also teaches me that to get a wider audience range I must provide news for all ages and topics.

To make an impact, I think I will need to include some personal identity, not only will this inspire the audience but also me, and hopefully will give me more ideas for the future. It will also help me communicate and gather a strong relation between the audience and myself. The most important skills for media are collaborating and engaging with my audience, this will help make strong relationships with clients.

In order for my own products to appeal as great to an audience as possible I need to engage them on various levels…it needs to be entertaining, informative, give them opportunities for social interaction and also reinforce their personal identity so I need to make sure my music magazine does all of these things.