Detailed Music Video analysis

Component 1, Music Video

I have looked at a specific music video in detail: decode key conventions, how Mes is used to portray a genre, star image and how they are perceived. Narrative and performance is key for a good music video and have looked at how illustrative moments can help convey a deeper meaning.

Name of performer and song and duration: I chose the music video – Chained to the rhythm by Katy Perry to do a detailed analysis which is 4:01 minutes long.

Theme/ subject: The genre of this music video is Pop which is portrayed using MES which is suited. Some of the main themes which are portrayed in this video are Dystopia and the idea that we are all living life through this kind of lens, A hamster wheel is also used to represent the idea that we are all stuck in this constant circle and we are trapped.

Generic features: The star is instantly recognised as a pop star because lots of key MES is used to portray this such as the costumes are all bright, sweet colours. The main star also has bright pink hair which adds to the theme of sweetness and links back to pop. The makeup which is worn is also bright and dramatic which helps the main star to stand out. The makeup helps to portray the star as bubbly, fun and happy. The lighting that is used is highkey and bright. The setting is conveyed as somewhere sweet and dreamlike, surrealism is used to convey this even further with the use of candyfloss trees etc. The sound of the music is very upbeat and has a steady beat which relates to the idea of perfection and happiness relating to the genre. The dancing is also put together and done on the beat of the music which makes the music video look more eye catching.

Narrative analysis: This music video is an example of amplification which has some illustrative moments. Illustrative moments adds a storyline and highlights the theme of this dream like American life which is portrayed further by the use of actions, props, settings, costume. The main star in the music video is the singer herself, this represents the star as popular, talented, friendly. It also portrays her as very powerful and that she is in touch with society. It breaks down the fourth wall and makes the song and music video a lot more personal and direct. This makes the star seem more down to earth and relatable. The fact that she has also chosen the song title ‘ chained to the rhythm’ creates irony and the idea that she is really portraying what matters to her.

Technical conventions: Lots of different camera angles and edits are used in this clip. For example her lip-sync is spot on and clear what the lyrics are which highlights talent. different camera angles such as: long shot, PED, pan, tracking shots are used to create meaning on a deeper level and allow the audience to connect. The video is designed to look visually striking because it is very aesthetic with the setting, costume, hair, makeup and props which all match. The bright colours and this dream like setting is used to make the star come across as more desirable and gives her idea on what she thinks this American dream life is like (helps portray a perfect word by everything matching).

By completing a detailed analysis on a music video I have learnt how a genre is conveyed using MES. This will help me in the future when it comes to making my own music video as I know have a better idea on the key conventions and how are star image is portrayed.

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