Final Batman Essay

Final Batman Essay

Targets for Improvement

I got 18/28 marks, which I think is pretty good, but I think I could’ve done a lot better. For improvement, I think mainly I need to develop my points a bit better. There were some points that, while good, I didn’t fully explain and develop. If I had put more time into rewriting some parts and adding some more, I think I could’ve gotten a higher mark, so I’ll keep that in mind for next time.

Textual Analysis in The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight Hospital Scene

My Analysis

This scene epitomises The Joker’s character throughout the film, showing a lot of his key traits, which emphasises a lot of the film’s overall themes. The scene shows him trying to push Dent to seek revenge for Rachel’s death. This is a very good example of the way The Joker operates, looking to create more chaos whenever he can. Immediately after leaving, too, he blows up the hospital. Walking off centre of the frame and stumbling around, we see The Joker’s actions as a physical manifestation of his love of chaos and disorder. The single strip of lighting from the window shining on The Joker while he speaks to Dent I think adds to this atmosphere.

Advanced Cinematography

Advanced Cinematography Powerpoint

Famous Shots

The Searchers (1956) – Cinematography by Winton C. Hoch.

The focus of the shot is right in the middle of the shot. The doorway acts as a frame within a frame, with negative space covering the rest of it, so all the viewer focuses on is the character.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) – Cinematography by Sławomir Idziak

The character is slightly off centre, showing that he is nervous and out of control of the situation. There are vertical leading lines on the wall and horizontal ones on the ground that lead one’s eyes to the character.

Blade Runner 2049 (2017) – Cinematography by Roger Deakins

The character is in the middle of the shot, facing away from the camera. The simplicity of the colours and the set gives us the impression of the character as being independent, lonely and somewhat confident. The rusty, deep red colour palette creates both a feeling of disorientation due to the haziness, but also the danger that comes with the colour red.

Pan’s Labyrinth Final Essay Feedback

Overall, I got 19/28 marks, which I think is pretty good, at least as a first proper essay. To improve, I’d say I need to make more references to the rest of the film, talking more about the themes of disobedience in the face of fascism. I would have also liked to have made more references to film elements within the text. Overall, though, I think the essay turned out relatively well and I think I can improve in these ways next time.