Second Shoot Contact Sheet

Favorite images

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Here are all of my images from my shoot on Tuesday. My location was town which I really liked because there was a variety of places we could go to shoot, each creating a different narrative. I also brought a variety of costumes for my models to try on so that I could then choose the best for my genre.

Top 3 Images

I like this image because my model looks friendly which, after doing my research, is how every Indie Pop model wants to be portrayed. The background isn’t too busy meaning I should be able to add text over the image for my double page spread.

The reason I like this image is because the poses my models are doing is a lot more confident then some of the other. This is because it was more towards the end of my shoot when they started to feel more comfortable posing my the camera. It is important for my models to looks confident as the aim of my magazine is to make people feel comfortable and be able to express themselves.

The background on this image is really fun and creative. It goes really well with my genre. It give the image an edgy feel to it.

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