Organisation & Time Management Skills/Technologies:

  • I can section and cordon of blocks of time to dedicate to work.
  •  I often make use of alarms in order to remind me of deadlines or times to work.
  • I hope I will be able to perfect my time management skills  over the next couple years, as I on occasion fail to keep up with my personally-set deadline.

Research & Planning Skills / Technologies:

  • I enjoy researching, so this helps motivate me and give me more drive.
  • When researching I utilise multiple sources in order to make my answer/work all the more factual and higher quality.
  • I often make plans in my head as more of suggestions rather than a strict set of instructions I have to follow.
  • My plans need to be set down more often, so I can create more cohesive plans in the future.

Creative Skills / Technologies:

  • I can be creative with how I write as well as how I use programs such as Photoshop.
  • I need to work on expanding my horizons for creativity, rather than thinking inside the box as much.

Transferable Skills/Technologies:

  • I enjoy creating presentations and slideshows, as it helps me digest information quicker and more easily.
  • My presentations tend to be on the shorter side in terms of amount of slides,;which is something I need to work on; however, the information I include is often the main chunk or points of information that needs to be presented and learnt.