Made with Padlet

I chose this image as the main representation of all the photos we took.

The pose I have, mixed with my expressions and body language makes me appear stoic, lost in thought as I look in the distance, poised and ready for action

I’ve got a light smile, which shows I’m somewhat happy, but the expression itself is somewhat melancholic, especially with the empty space and isolation displayed; somewhat bittersweet.

The choice of outfit tells the audience that I’m more of an edgy outcast than a follower of pop culture/clothing trends; going against conventions and norms of the current society.

The empty space behind leaves me isolated from anything else. In the image I make up half the photo, but there’s a lot of empty space around me, which conveys loneliness, or stoic fortitude.

A Mise En Scene is a way to convey emotions/a story, and the story conveyed is what attracts audiences towards the media. With this, I know how to utilize Mise En Scene, and how “setting the stage” helps with marketing and attracting audiences.