While the poster may be quite basic, I believe that adds to the story as a whole. The artist’s general appearance and what can be denoted from the poster, it seems as though a flashy, filled with texts and bright colours, poster might not be suitable.

The poster itself appears melancholic, telling a better story more effectively by using a simple design.

Analysing this tells me a lot about the artist, through the design and the information provided. It has helped me more easily identify key information and imperative design elements that can help me create my own poster, and tell a story more effectively.

The poster itself has helped reaffirm my belief that using a limited amount of colours as well as how the information is presented can have a big effect on how the audience perceives the event and how it effects their interest in it. It’s also a lot more easy to connote and imply meanings/emotions behind the actions and choices in poster design, as well as creating media as a whole. Themes and emotions can often be more easy to denote with simplicity.