Masthead: The masthead is the title, and is usually the brand or something related to the main topic the magazine covers

Main Coverline: Battle of the Bands, the topic the issue covers. Important to tell people what’s being written about/covered.

Insets: Extra images, fill up extra space and use it for more advertisements of the contents of the magazine.

Plug: Extra things to advertise, using up space.  Draw more attention to some merchandising etc.

Captions: Extra information to inform the readers.

Barcode: To scan, pay

Pug: Extra advertisement, the price, logo etc.

Main Coverstar: The main individual or entity being displayed and written about in the magazine.

It’s important to know these elements and technical design conventions in order to create a higher quality magazine that can advertise more effectively. Better to understand the layout of popular magazines, so you can base off it and also improve.