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This is my mock of the NME Kendrick Lamar Front Page image.

This is the original:

There are quite a few differences, like the font used (however, I tried to get as close as I could to the original), a different photo, and the colour of text which I had to change as it would not fit the new image I used.

What went well?; My poster uses red to contrast the plain background and image, which makes the important information/advertisements stand out more. I think I managed to get the font pretty close to the original, and the image I chose I feel has the most potential to create a front cover on.

What I could improve; I feel the black text at the centre does not mesh well with the rest of the front cover, but I feel it does its job, and does not bring down the overall quality of the cover too much. Another weakness is the NME logo and the red block it rests on. I feel the cover star should be on the front, on top of the logo, since he is more important. It would also be a sign of the importance of the magazine, much like how other magazines have the cover star in front of the logo, like it’s showing off. Finally, I wish I could have used the original image rather than another one, since much of the original colour of text does not fit with the new image. However, I think I managed to work around it, and overall get somewhat close to the original. It does have quite a different tone and feel than the original front cover, though.

Creating this mock front cover on InDesign has taught me a lot about magazine design, and moving forward I will be able to research and create a much better looking front cover, using resources I have now learnt. I need to work on choosing images and fonts better, as well as getting used to the program as a whole, learning keybinds and bettering my skills with the tools.