Plan for article

In the article, I want to add on and tell a story that can be denoted through the images/photos taken. I want to hook in the reader, entertain them and provide information about the stars involved/discussed in the article itself. I want the story told to be engaging, and with the themes of decadence and ambition, have the reader relate to the topics discussed- linking to their personal identity.

I want to do a Q&A within the article, taking up a large portion of the page(s) itself, whilst also detailing their recent events and overall give and overview into the star themselves, and hopefully hooking the reader fairly early on. While I want to do a Q&A in the article itself, I don’t want to only do a Q&A. I am considering writing a mini-review for their latest song/album, trying to hook back to the start perhaps later on in the article.


“High goals and the ambition to make it big is required to be successful, and in the music scene, this couldn’t be more true.

In today’s issue, someone who’s got little ambition has broken onto the scene, while not giving a f***; King J or ‘K.J’. Combining old style west-coast rap with a new brand of hip-hop, he’s managed to make it big within a short amount of time, though even his new fame hasn’t phased him; so what is his secret? However, the first question on our mind’s when thinking about things to ask relates to the theme of ambition and competitiveness which makes up the music scene was; ‘How long do you think your ‘reign’ will last?’.

K.J – ‘I’m not too bothered about it- someone’ll come along at some point and take the crown. Honestly it could even happen tomorrow. We’ll see’

‘You seem quite relaxed- is that due to your overall attitude to music, or just disregard for titles and fame?’

K.J – ‘Not sure; I’ve always had a certain annoyance with titles and that- ironic given my name. I think it might be a bit of both though, since music is my passion so I don’t wanna get it mixed up in fame so I start hating it.’

‘You say music is your passion, and that you don’t want it to start being just a job. So how do you think it has affected your mentality when going on tour or making/writing songs?’

K.J – ‘I’ve noticed a couple occurrences where it starts to feel more like a job or money maker, but then I usually just get a grip and focus on having fun. Main reason I do it after all…’

Nearing the end of the interview, we started noticing that, while K.J means ‘King J’- it’s more of an intentional oxymoron which contrasts with his personality. We wanted to press more into this part of his character

‘How exactly do you keep so calm?’

K.J – ‘It’s just because- like I’ve said before- I do music for a passion. The tours and events are all just ways of me making music and having fun. Fame and that comes last.’

This unique outlook on the music scene and fame has made K.J attract many fans, who enjoy his nonchalant attitude and view. His recent burst of popularity and continuous successful releases has made us confident that he will continue to rise- and while he appears to not have changed as a result of his new-found fame, he will need to make sure it does not get to his head.