I wanted to try and wrap the text around the crown, however, this will take some more time to get used to InDesign and gain more experience. I will look into tutorials to learn how to do this for the later drafts/finished spread. I feel that the shots themselves used will help “save” the spread.

  • I need to use columns to segregate the text, as the third page contains text which takes up all the room- it also doesn’t “mesh” well with the background.
  • To fix this, using blocks placed underneath the text (which will be split into columns) will hopefully make the page look better.
  • I also need to use some more variation in font.
  • I will need to add in page numbers
  • Names of people involved e.g writer of article, models used (as the stars).
  • More graphics, images, overall more “substance” needs to be added

Double page spread draft 1

Double page spread draft 1.5

I added in some new graphics, blocks underneath the text which has been broken up into different paragraphs and shifted. I have also added the page numbers at the bottom, including a Drop Capital.