Cover Draft 2

What’s new?;

  • I kept the general graphic amount the same
  • Overall I changed some of the layout
  • Added in a red outline behind the cover star.
  • I mostly just changed how it looked, not adding much to information and design.
  • There is now a much more prominent contrast between the image and graphics, the tone and the colours used. — I will need to change this so the image fits in much better with the cover, as at the moment it looks very out of place and ‘janky’.

The cover itself is very amateurish, with very out of place graphics and colours used. I much prefer the original draft, however, I feel the neon outline on the star can actually work well if tweaked and fitted better.

Teacher feedback; Like the image but can you sort the hat and red line out there? and perhaps play with the actual image to make it more stylised as it is naturalistic with a neon glow which is an odd juxtaposition?

  • Masthead needs to be bigger
  • Like the image but can you sort the hat and red line out there? and perhaps play with the actual image to make it more stylised as it is naturalistic with a neon glow which is an odd juxtaposition?
  • Main image can be bigger – dont cover the chains as they are key and make a cover line to use them as a hook….chained to the rythmn?
  • Not keen on the fonts. with boxes behind them.
  • Price and issue
  • More cover lines  and look at justification…very near the slug and bleed perimeter.
  • Reposition the plug at the top