What’s different;

  • The image used is different
  • Segmented into different graphic boxes
  • I’ve added a circle (like a halo/crown) around the star to signal they’re the one being interviewed. Their name is also specified.
  • I’ve added in the actual article instead of placeholder text.


  • More variation with graphics
  • Make the stars stand out a bit more- I could even add an outline around him/them
  • I want to restructure the spread, rearranging some of the layout and text.
  • The 2nd page (left) is quite empty; I need to add some more text/graphics.
  • Drop capital for where the article starts
  • Smaller page numbers in size but larger in quantity as DPS would be further on from this
  • The standfirst – the opening to the article needs to stand out and give more information than the headline so make it bolder, bigger and near the main headline.
  • Is the main headline King (J)? And if so you need it to make more sense…add some play on words…King J pots the black on the MTV awards?
  • the two boxes of copy vary in width which is unusual so why not put it all in two columns?
  • could cut the photo in half so that you have white space across the spread in top half for all the copy to go
  • why the circle over his head?