Final Contents Page Draft: 

What is new?:

  • Changing the image, I have chosen a more “dramatic” image with a pose facing away from the camera.
  • The colour palette has been changed to white and red text, with a black and white photo, adding more effect to the page’s text.
  • I have changed the overall structure of the page, switching placements of texts i.e changing “Archives” to top left.


  • I believe I have overall improved the page itself, with the black and white image reflecting the red and white text fairly well.
  • The image is better, with sharpened chains emphasizing them, with a oil filter adding uniqueness and style.

Targets/potential changes: 

  • I could add in some more content i.e an effect/object at the top.
  • “Archives” at the top is a bit small, which I could change to fill the space.