After peer review and self assessment, I have come to conclude that these 5 aspects are what I should be trying to improve (my targets)

  1.  The text should be sorted into blocks, with barriers around. This would add a sense of depth to the page itself. As well as that, it would fill up a lot of the strange, empty spaces between.
  2. More entities should be shown e.g. special effects, chains in the background- something to fill in the space and give something to look at; catch the audience’s view.
  3. More vibrant colours; the only 3 colours are turquoise for the title, black text for the information, and the white title. There needs to be a more contrasting usage of colours and tones, to add depth and make it more attractive- so people purchase the issue.
  4. While the structure itself is adequate, moving and changing the placement of some text will make it slightly better.
  5. I need to use more unique fonts; include some variation in colour of text, typeface etc.



What type of shots have been used to create a variety of shot distances and how has the camera been used to communicate meaning?  

The camera has been used to take a low angle shot to make the model look very dominant and assertive, it makes the model stand out to other people.

What choice of Mise En Scene is appropriate for the star image and genre?

The black jacket and chains make him look really rough and edgy which suits the genre, the mic that he is holding shows that he is clearly a rapper or a singer.

 How far is the font used readable and reflects the genre?

The fonts used cover a wide range of rap/hip hop, they make the magazine look like a kind of documentary.

What technical conventions of a Contents page are present and used effectively?  

The contents page uses a masthead which is an appropriate size compared to the other pieces of text, it has an issue date and the name of the magazine. It includes cover lines with the contents of the magazine including a quote from the model.

How has InDesign been used to layout the page to convey a brand?

Several shapes with text in them have been used to provide information about the product, the features and the brand itself.

 How well have the text and visuals been integrated together?

The text has a turquoise background which matches the Greek themed font. It suits the overall vibe which the contents page gives.

Where has Photoshop been used to manipulate the photos to enhance the star image or genre? 

Photoshop has been used to modify the lighting of the model to make him look more in place. It uses a more dim lighting to add a bit more yellow to him.

How is the language used appropriate for the genre and target audience?

The language used is very rough, old school and rude, it uses the stereotype that rappers grew up in a rough environment. 

The Contents page communicates a strong meaning, however it needs to use more of a variety of colors, fonts and conventional features. Low Level 4.