Me and my group have decided to go with a combination of both my initial pitch, and new ideas taken from Lewis’ mini pitch.

Good things:

  • Our current ideas on how to utilise MES seem fruitful, and will benefit the narrative
  • The narrative planned seems to mesh very well with the music and theme of the video
  • Variety of ideas will help to diversify the video, with differing editing techniques and usage of MES to contrast
  • Fairly simple, easy to follow yet meaningful.
  • The song is 4 minutes long
  • Enough content to match the length


  • More planning on the technical aspects
  • More planning in regards to locations, timing, access to instruments and so forth.
  • More discussion with the actors.
  • Need to practice editing techniques more
  • Refine cinematography skills
  • Develop a clear outline of tasks to follow in a structured order

My Pitch

Basic Outline: Following a man in a suit, who slowly becomes more and more disheveled. Carrying a bin with a chain, he symbolically carries the “weight” of the world, giving it away. Another figure is presented as a sort of duality to the man, the one who originally had to carry the burden, but “sold” it and left it behind.


Reasons for the choice of song:

  • Good narrative potential
  • Relatively somber, but still grunge (rock).
  • Lyrics generally vague, feeding into a lot of ideas.
  • Good length, allowing for breathing room for the narrative.
  • Allows for good usage of MES, through close ups and editing.
  • Fitting to the beat and matching the lyrics is also fairly simple.
  • Illustrative song, meaning that connoting themes and issues and matching things such as lyrics to the video will be easy/ier.